A short film about making peace with nature.
Human is a selfish being. We can live our lives without caring about anything until a disaster befalls us. Although we fail to remember, Nature has reminded us many times that we are a part of it and must respect her rules and balance. We must reconcile with it and protect it by taking responsibility in order to stop the irreversible damage. Ignoring is no longer an option. Besides, isn't it easier to be a friend than an enemy?
Location: Maltepe Orhan Gazi City Park / ISTANBUL / TURKEY

Director: Emre Çakar
Scriptwriter: Emre Çakar
Assistant Director: Elif Özsüt
Editor: Elif Özsüt
Music & SFX: Emre Çakar
Actor: Evren Sarışahin
Actress: Gülsen Şenol
Actor: Ahmet Berk Özbek